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Baby Gym

Baby Gyms, fun for your child


Parents have many concerns when it comes to raising our children successfully, are very demanding with ourselves and seek every means at our disposal to achieve this. Very useful when babies are encouraging gyms, and here we show you why.


Baby gyms stimulate their senses


Since its birth the baby is exploring what is around them through their senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch allow you to begin to acquire new knowledge.

Gyms can help stimulate some of these senses. Start the use from birth, but probably not until the third month as your little one begins to interact with the elements of the gym.

Depending on the type chosen will be ready for you to put your baby on his back, or even upside down.


Daily puts your child face up on the blanket that accompanies the gym, or some you have, and lets you start playing with its different parts. At first they will call attention to its colors and then try to touch them with your hands.

Many of these gyms have mirrors, although it is true that being so small will not be able to recognize if they allow you to go slowly familiarizing himself with his own image and silhouette.

It is possible that in that position your child falls asleep, but remember that gyms are not prepared to do it, so it's better than lie down in the crib.

Some of these gyms are ready for you to put your child upside down, because they have elements that can be enjoyed in this position. There are even incorporating different melodies or sounds even more fun to your child.

Although you should always be present when the baby is in the gym, this will help you discover you can have fun alone, also there are different textures smoother some, others less, some you will like more than others.

As we mentioned earlier your senses of sight, hearing and touch will be stimulated in a playful way while your little enjoy a great time and entertains. 


In OriginalBaby we have different models of children's gyms to find the most fun for your baby. You enjoy moments that will be unforgettable for you. Do not hesitate, grab one.