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Walk baby

Twin strollers

Twin strollers, choose the perfect one for your babies

When we expect a baby, one of the most exciting moments is the day we perform the first ultrasound. Once verified that everything is fine we can receive a surprise, as they tell us that we expect two babies. Although once the news is assimilated will produce happiness, it is true that we think we will have to buy twice as much. However, in the case of twin strollers it will be enough with one, we tell you about this essential purchase

Twin strollers are not all the same

Thinking about walking with a twin stroller can seem a tedious task, since it can be very big, very heavy or difficult to fold. We even considered if it will enter the trunk of our car.

But do not be scared, it is true that in the market we find twin trolleys of all kinds and some very complicated to drive, but we also have others that are very comfortable and practical.

Before deciding on a twin trolley we must ask ourselves what we are really looking for. There are some that are larger than those that can be attached first a carrycot and later the chair, but there are others that come with two chairs that have adapters so you can ride the babies from the first day.

Formats of twin strollers

When choosing the format you have to keep in mind that there are different options depending on the position you want the babies to have. It can be in tandem, that is to say when the seats are in line, being able to look both forward, towards the parents or perhaps one child to another.

There is also the possibility that the chairs go in parallel. They are wider, so sometimes they can be more complicated to move, especially in areas with little width.

In both cases we can find ourselves with the problem that they do not fit in the elevators, let's make sure that this does not happen mainly in the ones we use the most, such as our house or that of our grandparents.

Twin Strollers by OriginalBaby

In OriginalBaby you will find a wide assortment of baby strollers for you to choose the one that best suits your conditions, in addition you have different designs to choose the ideal for your little ones.

Of course, some are also suitable for siblings a few years apart, so you can walk them together.

Now you just have to choose the right model.

Walk baby

The best products to go for a walk with your baby


One of the most important in baby care aspects is undoubtedly the time ride, to enjoy this moment is necessary to have a series of basic goods and accessories ride where the most important is definitely the choice of the cart or baby stroller, in Original Baby we have a large selection of baby stroller  at unbeatable prices. When our children grow up, we can use a stroller, which should be comfortable, flexible and easy to fold.

Both for cars and for pushchairs have a large number of accessories ranging from all kinds of walk bags, umbrellas, covers, mats and more, we invite you to browse our category ride and find you the product you need for your baby.


Benefits walk with baby


The ride baby is a very important routine for dads. They are very desirable because they help faster recovery of the mother after birth. Going out for a walk with your baby in the stroller, whether you do it by yourself, and with your partner or family, it is very beneficial for mom, because it helps the blood circulation in the legs and remove liquids they are retained during pregnancy and are not good for our health. Walking is very good for our health and our baby, will get your body used to adapt to changes in temperature in both summer and winter. In summer, we can protect the baby from the rays of the sun with an umbrella and make your ride more comfortable with a sleeve baby carrier and winter to protects him from the cold with a saddle bag ride.