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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Originalbaby



·         Global Privacy Policy internet Originalbaby

Originalbaby respects your right to privacy. This policy summarizes what personally identifiable information and other information we collect, how we use this information, and other important issues related to privacy and data protection.

It is the policy of Originalbaby comply with all applicable data protection laws and privacy regulations. This commitment reflects the value we give to winning and retaining the trust of our customers, business partners and others who share their personal information with us.

This Policy applies to all Internet sites operated by or on behalf Originalbaby and includes Originalbaby business units worldwide (each known as "Originalbaby Web Site").



·         Privacy statements Website

Although this Policy applies to all Internet sites Originalbaby, each Originalbaby Internet Site has a different purpose and different features. In cases deemed necessary to clarify or specify the target or feature Internet Site Originalbaby provide a legend according to its purpose.



·         Your consent

By providing their personal data Originalbaby, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy. In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, the personal data collected by Originalbaby may be included in the file "Management", in order to maintain the business relationship in the "commercial" file in order to carry out training, after-sales service, as well as promotional activities and market research and / or the file "integrity assessment and financial risk" in order to understand and evaluate the degree of compliance according to our Code of Conduct, all owned by Originalbaby, residing at C / Juan Miro, Torrejon de Velasco 1 in Madrid. Eventually during the processing of data outside companies may intervene promptly following the instructions Originalbaby. Also agree that their data can be transferred to the databases of the Company in France and Germany and other subsidiaries Originalbaby, located in countries that may not have equivalent legislation on data protection and contact details can be used for sending advertising or promotional communications by any means, including electronic, for the purposes of Article 21 of Law 34/2002 of Services Information Society commercial communications.

·         Information you provide voluntarily

Originalbaby collects information you provide voluntarily and consciously, for the purposes described above. For example, Originalbaby can gather your information so that you can receive email alerts, when you complete a survey, or when you request product information, ask a question or send us an email with comments. In many cases, this information may include the collection of personal data.

Originalbaby used only for the purposes for which you provided your information. For example, if you provide your email address to register to receive email alerts, use your email address to send email alerts you request.

Many Internet sites Originalbaby allow you to make choices about the use of your personal information. In most cases, we ask you to indicate your choices when you perform them and the page where you provide your personal information.

In addition, we can remove all personally identifiable information and other data using statistical or historical purposes, scientists.

·         Access to personal information

Originalbaby collects and processes personal user data (such as name, title, first name, address, telephone number, email address, and other similar services) and on-line services required (type of browser you use , requesting files, domain and country from which you request the information, payment documents, etc.) with the purpose of providing such services in the best conditions, according to their tastes and preferences and to keep you informed about products and offers Originalbaby.

Personal user data can be obtained at various times and through various forms such as the registration process for access to services, online forms, surveys carried out or participation in competitions, among others. The requested data will be needed to perform the service offered in each case. Your personal data will be collected under the responsibility of Originalbaby in duly recorded files. For the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in compliance with the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, please go to our Contact and select the Protection Area of ​​Interest option of personal data


·         Security of your Personal Information

Your personal information will be stored in databases Originalbaby. Most of these databases are stored on servers located in Spain. The aim of treatment is to maintain the business relationship itself, as well as sending advertising or promotional communications by any means, including electronic commercial communications.

Originalbaby maintains reasonable measures to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of your personal information preventive measures. For example, we use secure technology to transfer personal information online.

We limit access to personal information to those who have a need comercial.Si good use security measures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized disclosure, misuse or alteration, keep in mind that no Internet transmission is ever completely secure or error-free, in which case Originalbaby not be liable.


·         Conservation of personal information

Time to keep personal information will vary and depend on the purpose and use of the information gathered. There are legal requirements to retain certain types of data for specific periods. Otherwise, we will retain this information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which such data were collected.


·         Use and disclosure of your information

Originalbaby not give personal information collected from their websites without your consent explícito.Muchos our Websites Originalbaby allow you to make choices regarding the processing and / or transfer of your personal information. In most cases, we ask you to indicate your choices when providing data and the page you provide your personal information.

Originalbaby not disclose personal information about visitors to our Web Site Originalbaby except the cases described below:

• Unless specifically stated, we may use the information gathered in Websites Originalbaby to improve the content of our site, to customize the site to your preferences, to communicate information (if requested) for marketing and research and for any other purpose specified on a website.

• Originalbaby may disclose your personal information to other business units Originalbaby. In doing so, these other business units Originalbaby use their information in a way that is consistent with the purpose for which it was originally collected (or to which you give your consent later).


Originalbaby can also share your personal information with third parties that we engage to providing support services. Such third parties are required to use the personal information you have shared will only serve on our behalf and to treat your personal information strictly confidential manner in accordance with all laws data protection and privacy regulations.

• In some cases, Originalbaby may share your personal information to third parties who are associated with us to provide products and services to our customers. If so, we require our partners to use such information in a manner consistent with the purposes for which it was originally collected (or for which you provide your consent later), and only to the extent permitted by this Policy and all data protection laws and privacy regulations.

In certain limited circumstances, we may share or transfer personal information to third parties who are not related to Originalbaby. For example, we may provide personal information to a third party (i) if requested, (ii) to comply with a legal or judicial requirement, (iii) to investigate a possible crime, such as identity theft, (iv) it is related to the sale, purchase, merger, reorganization, liquidation or dissolution of Originalbaby or commercial unit Originalbaby, or (v) in similar circumstances. If any of these events occurs, we will take appropriate steps to protect your personal information.


·         Information collected automatically

Originalbaby collects information that your web browser automatically sends us. This information typically includes the IP address of your internet service provider, the name of your operating system (such as Macintosh® or Windows®) and the name and version of your browser (eg Internet Explorer® or Safari® ). The information we receive depends on the settings of your web browser. Check your browser if you want to know what information you send or how you can change the settings.

We use this information to help us improve our sites and make them more compatible with the technology our visitors use Internet.


·         cookies

A "cookie" is a small data file that is installed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies and similar technologies can improve your user experience by saving your preferences, customize your online experience, store items in your shopping cart and, sometimes, provide advertisements tailored to your interests.

All our Websites Originalbaby use "session cookies". A session cookie does not identify you individually and expires when the browser is closed. For example, when using the product catalog of Originalbaby, a session cookie is installed to store pages you have visited. We may use this information to provide recommendations of other products that may interest you.

Some Internet sites Originalbaby also use "persistent cookies". These cookies do not expire when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until you delete them or they expire. By assigning a unique identifier to your computer, we can create a database of your previous choices and preferences that can automatically provide, saving you time and work on future visits. For example, after making a purchase, if you decide to make another purchase, it is possible that your shipping address has been preserved and only need confirmation.

For more information about cookies, please click here

·         Links to Third Party Websites

The Originalbaby Websites may contain links to websites that are not managed Originalbaby. These links are provided as a service and do not imply any endorsement of the activities or content of these sites, nor any association with its operators. We urge you to always check the privacy policy of this website.


·         minors

Most Originalbaby Websites are not intended for children under 14 years. Originalbaby not solicit or knowingly collect personal information from children or minors about their Websites Originalbaby, unless permitted by applicable law.



·         Questions about this Policy or our Privacy Statements

If you have any questions about this policy or Privacy Statement Website or country, or the use that we give your personal information, contact us through our website Contact


·         Changes to this Policy and our Privacy Statements

The changes made in this Privacy Policy will be posted on this site. Originalbaby reserves the right to update or modify this Policy and Privacy Statement Website at any time without notice. The amendments will apply only to personal information we collect after publication.