The hygiene and cleanliness of all accessories and objects that will use our baby is a priority and fundamental issue, especially during their first months of life.
Bottles and teats is necessary sterilized before first use and then just do a good cleaning and maintaining them in their daily use.
However, it is recommended that, every so often, a complete disinfection of bottles, teats and other utensils we use mainly to feed the baby is made.
The sterilization may be boiling water objects for a few minutes, however, to assist us and ensure a comfortable and effective cleaning in the market have fundamentally different ways of sterilization sterilizing tablets, electric or microwave sterilizers .

Sterilizing tablets

They are very comfortable because the sterilization is performed with cold water and dose of pills and water indicated by the manufacturer thereof. At the time indicated by the manufacturer in his instructions sterilization of utensils is achieved.
This system is very useful to wear during the holiday or second homes.

Electric sterilizers

They are very simple to use, just add the indicated water to sterilize utensils, plug it in and let it work. Temperature and steam generated get comfortable and sterilized effectively.
The main advantage of this method is speed, requiring less time than cold sterilization in just a few minutes we have our bottles and teats of all bacteria-free and ready to be used again.
On the market there sterilizers models with different capacities to fit the user's needs.

Microwave sterilizers

It consists of a microwave-safe bowl in which properly put some water and objects to sterilize the cover and in less than 15 minutes are ready to use again.
This simplicity and comfort such sterilizers have made today is one of the star products.
Tip: for there is no problem before buying such sterilizers, it is necessary to refer to what is indicated capacity microwave sterilizer model for which we are interested, for sure you can come good in this.