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higuita 0 30834
When traveling by car always is very important to take the necessary security measures, especially when traveling with children. Thus, one of the key points that must be taken into consideration to t..
celestial 0 30738
Guide to mount cradles   The Cradles of Originalbaby meet the European Standard: UNE-EN 1130-1: 1996 UNE-EN 1130-2: 1996 CONDITIONS OF USE AND MAINTENANCE Always put the bassinet on a floor with..
higuita 0 15709
Guide barriers bed   Usually around age two is the right time when you need to change the baby from his crib to bed, either at a regular bed or specially adapted for age. As always, every baby or ..
higuita 0 15171
How should the mat for the stroller? This is an item that does not require much complication in choosing it, we should not complicate much choice, we will only give you a few tips that you should not..
higuita 0 12702
It is important to clean the dishes baby to make sure your baby is not exposed to harmful bacteria. Taking appropriate measures to clean the dishes is simple, once you're aware of the process.   Clean..
0 10669
What should have a bucket of newborn   Soon, when people get married, have a baby think that sooner or later will come. Baby arrival is always cause for great joy and when the baby is in the womb of ..
0 8448
How to pick the Crib for our baby?   Features and measures. When decorating the room for our baby, is an indispensable crib or bassinet also called baby product. The cribs should have a fixed measure..
celestial 0 7856
One of the most special moments in the life of any couple is when you are expecting a child. This phase is marked by various activities, including the decoration of the room that will house the baby. ..
higuita 0 6990
When the baby has learned to sit, about six months or so, it's good to have a safe space in which to gain confidence, experience with their toys with complete freedom of movement. Therefore, playgroun..
higuita 0 6563
How to take the baby's temperature? Several areas of the body where body temperature is recorded, whose measurement indicates whether or not there fever: Armpit or groin: are the best areas where th..
higuita 0 5885
Learn how to sit the children in the car so that they can be better protected. Pediatricians Warn that two of every three children travelling in vehicles without complying with the safety standards a..
higuita 0 5357
There are 2 types of preparation for the baby bag, one is the bag for maternity, which is what we are going to take when giving birth, this bag usually is usually larger than usual, since the'll put m..
Showing 1 to 12 of 26 (3 Pages)