Breast milk contains all the proteins, sugar, fats, vitamins and water your baby needs to be healthy. It also contains certain elements that the formula does not incorporate, as antibodies and white blood cells. Therefore breastfeeding protects the baby against certain diseases and infections.
Breastfeeding protects children:
Ear Infections
It is very important that women seek information and also discuss breastfeeding with other women, with specialized professionals in breastfeeding and others. You must be alert because experience with breastfeeding is generally different among women, some undergo initial difficulties, while others found no problems.
Breastfeeding is strongly influenced by the emotional status of women and the society in which he lives. Therefore, the support of a partner, family, health professionals, but anyway, the whole society is essential breastfeeding to occur without complications.
Everyone should learn and dispel doubts before and during lactation.
The preparation of the breast or nipple
During pregnancy the nature prepares the breasts for breastfeeding. Natural changes occur in the body (physiological) pregnancy, preparing for the stage of breastfeeding: grow breasts, areolas (the dark part of the breast nipple) becomes darker and hard by the action of hormones .
What to do?
If possible expose the chest in the morning sun (until 10 am) for 15 minutes and wear comfortable bra, preferring cotton.
What not to do?
No pressure on the chest to make sure you are taking the milk. Do not use creams and ointments in the dark part of the breast (areola and nipple).

Human milk:
It is ideal for all babies diet.
Human milk for their nutrient composition is considered a complete and sufficient food to ensure healthy growth and development of the baby during the first 2 years of life. It is a quick and easily digestible food, completely assimilated by the body for children.
But breastfeeding is much more than that
Has components and mechanisms to protect children against various diseases. It is a symbiosis: a natural source of these lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. No other food provides immunological characteristics as human milk. The mother gives the child protection components, through the placenta and milk, while the defense system of the baby matures.
In addition ...
Breastfeeding promotes mother-child bond and facilitates the emotional, cognitive development and the nervous system. Breast milk is an inimitable food due to its complex composition and the only thing that can be offered directly from mother to child.
For all these reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants be fed exclusively on breast milk for the first six months of life and that henceforth breastfeeding was maintained for two years or more, together with the use of appropriate complementary foods.
It indicates that even in the delivery room, in the first minutes of the first hours of life, you breastfeed your baby. It is at this time with the SSC, the soft tap of the baby to the mother body and, in particular, chest, encourages women to release a hormone (oxytocin) from the slope of the uterine contraction and milk.
In the early days postpartum milk is called colostrum. On the factors that protect against disease are plentiful, serving as the first vaccine for the baby.

In the early days the interval between meals tend to be short and irregular, because the baby is adapting and slowly sucks.
With the continuation of breastfeeding, the baby begins to suck more efficiently by removing a larger volume of milk. This will make the baby is satisfied longer and consequently, the interval between meals will be higher, continuing the pace of each baby. Because everyone has their own pace and so we should not mark time length of the feed.
Gradually the mother will know more your baby and realize their pace. Some children suck both breasts at each feeding, others are satisfied only take one.
So we can say that breastfeeding should be according to how you want the baby.
Free demand: when breastfeeding baby keeps pace without bothering to follow predetermined duration and time.
When to end each serving of milk
The baby is marking the time of feeding. Then each feeding session ends when the baby stops sucking and releases the breast spontaneously.
It is critical that the baby empties one breast because the final blowjob milk contains high amounts of fat and makes you gain weight and be satisfied.
So, let the baby can suck only one breast and satisfied.

Is milk from the beginning is different to milk the end of lactation?
When feeding begins, milk is high in protein, lactose, vitamins, minerals, water and many protective factors. At the end of feeding milk contains more fat and thus provides more energy and allows the baby to be satisfied
For this reason it is important that breastfeeding is not interrupted, otherwise the baby may not have all the nutrients that milk can provide.
What to do when your breasts are too milk?
When women produce much milk, it can happen that the baby can not suck the milk with more fat and influencing weight gain. In this case the woman must remove some milk before feeding, allowing your baby also receives the fattest milk with more energy and develop successfully.
Women should not leave very full breast milk (dilated) because breast milk is stopped and can "stoning". When the woman is given heavy breasts has hardened nodules or painful, it is necessary to massage and expressing, avoiding pain and discomfort they cause breast swelling.
When the breast swelling occurs?
Breasts may be hardened from the fourth postpartum day. Is when milk falls into a larger volume and the baby does not realize suck all the milk produced. It is a situation that lasts a few days where supply (milk production) is greater than demand (needed for baby) until it is already decided.
At that time women should get massages and remove excess milk can donate milk bank closest to your residence human milk.
During lactation period, when there is increased production of milk when the baby sucks less than normal can accumulate in breast milk. Therefore, it is recommended that women do massage and remove the milk when you realize that your breasts are very full and hard.
When the woman can not do the massage and should get milk, you have to seek help in a human milk bank, breastfeeding rooms, basic health units or a professional (doctor, nurse, speech therapist, nutritionist, etc.) qualified for assistance.