For many people having small children especially infants, may be a reason to think long and hard before planning travel, especially long trips. There is no doubt that travel with babies are the most difficult because it requires a lot of preparation and a huge list of what to bring all this to ensure the comfort and welfare of the baby. But all this can be overcome with good planning so that no topic is forgotten, so avoid any inconvenience during the journey. Importantly, in addition to a list of what to bring, is to start a few days before packing and carry everything your child needs during the trip. Thus time and always wanting you remember to take some additional element.
Based on the experience of many parents traveling with babies, we decided to create this article with tips on the subject. Will be addressed some important issues such as food, health, hygiene, etc. factors
Feeding the baby for a drive
Feeding babies during long trips can be one of the most critical issues of planning, especially when parents try to provide appropriate and healthy meals for their children. In the case of a 6 months, with the introduction of solid foods in your diet. Because this is more complicated, because it is not always possible to provide enough food.
Situations vary by age group of children. Here we describe a bit about food in each age group.
-The Babies under 6 months
In this age group recommends that babies be breastfed only chest. Thus, at least in this sense, it would be the best time to travel. In this case the power supply would not be a concern because baby food is always ready and ideal temperature at any time you need.
For infants of this age that make use of industrialized milk, the primary focus is on maintaining hygiene in the preparation of bottles and, whenever possible, prepare the milk at that time not to do harm to the child. If this is not possible, try to keep in a cooler or refrigerator in the car, preventing the milk is spoiled. If the ambient temperature is not too high, is also the thermal conditioning of the bottles or thermal bags, which can maintain the temperature for a short time.
Hydration: babies should receive water regularly throughout the day, especially if it is hot, because they lose fluid through sweating. Do not forget that mineral water to prevent contamination by microorganisms that can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Avoid offer mineral water blue jugs, because if the channels are not sanitized properly contaminated water can offer your child.
-The Infants from 6 months:
Babies 6 months in addition to breast (or artificial) feeding, have already started with the introduction of solid foods. Depending on where you are traveling, it can be quite difficult to get the baby to make each meal healthier for him. There are many factors that prevent babies are properly fed. It's hard to find a restaurant that serves meals that baby can consume and that they form part of their routine food.
Another problem is regarding the safety of food served. We must be careful to observe hygiene items and environment and trying to ensure that the food was prepared following the criteria of hygiene. In this way it is possible to evaluate the possibilities of food contaminated with microorganisms that can harm the baby. Always be alert and you suspect something is wrong, do not risk it.
For main meals, you may sometimes be something that the baby can eat in restaurants. It's better when restaurants have a buffet, because this way may be the food, being possible to make a good choice for younger. Depending on the country you are traveling is harder to find yourself buffet available.
In the absence of a good restaurant, one option is to offer industrialized potatoes. Certainly not the best alternative, but in some situations the journey can set a good (or only) option. The potatoes are well cooked a very safe food to be given to the baby. Before bid for baby affirm their heating in a restaurant or convenience store gas stations. Remember that this type of food is very practical and, for many parents, it may be tempting to feed the baby only industrialized potatoes. However, they are not a healthy food, so try to give the baby only when really necessary. For short trips or when the destination is home to family and friends can think of other alternatives.
Entertainment and amusement
When traveling with babies, especially on long trips, it is necessary to have several tricks to keep them entertained for as long as possible. In this way you avoid boredom and, in the case of infants and younger children, to mourn.
Importantly, in addition to strategies to let the child be entertaining.
If the drive with babies is longer and do not want to waste time, tries to match other already planned, such as refueling the car. It is important that these stops are made at least every two hours.
Tips on how to entertain children while traveling:
On longer trips is crucial to have various forms of entertainment for children, because obviously remain long in the car is boring. This can happen even on shorter trips, in the case of a little more agitated or restless children. Here are some tips that can help distract children.
-Take A child's favorite toys. How are they going to places where everything will be different from your daily routine, it is important to have well-known objects and enjoy it a lot? Do not overdo the amount of toys, because the luggage is already great.
It's interesting also take some objects, not necessarily the toys, which are unknown to the child (especially babies). So when you are tired of the same toys, there is the possibility of offering something new, which can often cause distraction for long. Beware of those objects that have small parts that could come loose and be swallowed by children under 3 years.
'Take a CD of children's music or other music you love the child. Infants and children in general are very fond of music and are good entertainment, especially if you have someone willing to sing and make gestures that accompany the rhythm of the songs. Surely they like and be sufficiently distracted!
-A Portable DVD player, tablet or laptop are also interesting so they can watch videos and short films of their choice. Babies and toddlers love videos where many colors appear. Make a selection of home videos where a baby appears and certainly is fun enough.
A practical and useful accessory is a bracket that holds the tablet in the back of the front seat of the car, allowing the unit in front of whoever is in the backseat. There are models on the market that cater to the different models of tablets.
Health and hygiene
When we travel we all want to get well until the end, without complications, particularly on issues related to the health of children. Before traveling it is important to consult your pediatrician and ask for guidance regarding the most common health problems.
You must make a short list of drugs that may be required. Basic items such as antipyretic, antiseptic, gauze, cotton, micro pore, plasters and thermometer are essential to take car trips with babies. The remedies for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are also important. Talk to your pediatrician and see what the best options to carry while traveling.
Ten all immunized and not forget to take the vaccination. Check the need of vaccination against yellow fever and if (children over 9 months) is necessary, the child vaccinated at least 10 days before the date set for the trip. Do not forget to portfolio vaccination for travel to South America.
Try to minimize the possibility of problems of vomiting and diarrhea, offering child safe food and mineral water.
To protect children from the sun, wear sunscreen suitable for their age. Babies can use sunscreens six months. When in doubt consult your pediatrician.
Another accessory that ends up being very useful is an umbrella.
Bring insect repellent for use in places where there are many mosquitoes that may arise walks outdoors or in hotels.
In terms of hygiene, try to have something in your bag baby as alcohol gel and liquid soap. These products are very useful safety throughout the trip.