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Anti-roll cushion.

The passage of the uterus from the mother to the outside world is a very drastic change for a newborn, so it is common that, putting the baby in his crib or minicuna, he feels helpless in such a large space.

The anti-tilt cushion makes the baby feel safe and protected, allowing him to rest and fall asleep more easily.

  In addition, the anti-tilt cushion prevents the baby from turning around while he sleeps, preventing him from being in a dangerous position for him during his first months of life.



The time of preparation of your baby's room, must be made with time and in an organized manner, you have to plan it to avoid surprises and will let you achieve safety, comfort and stimulation that are needed for the right development of your newborn born. Be able to decorate yourself is one of the current advantages in the market there are many accessories for the baby full of color and style, ideal for customizing your baby's room.

We help you to decorate the baby's room               

The room should be designed for the comfort of the newborn. But with everything at hand to take care easier, in the baby's room should be a place where him can rest, a cradle, dresser and closet to store clothes, bath changer, a place to store diapers (nappy), a place to keep all the toys.

In short, our baby's room should be nice, cozy and very practical, so when we have to change diapers, bottle feeding or rocking our son we have everything nearby.
Discover our products, you will be amazed!